
Quickly Make a Mastodon bot with IFTTT

If you recently joined mastodon or another fediverse instace of something and thought to yourself, “If only x was here from Twitter” or “If only this feed was in mastodon”, well do I have a solution for you. The easiest way to turn a tweet (or a variety of things) from anyone into a toot from a bot is with IFTTT (Pronounced, If This, Then That) Let’s say my usecase is I want my tweets from my twitter account to foward to a Mastodon account I setup for a bot.
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Leaving Birdland

This week, I deleted all my tweets on Twitter and posted a signpost to my new Mastodon account at, might delete the whole thing next week, we’ll see. I’ve noticed from others within the instance that there are some various growing pains for some when moving from Twitter to a federated community and I wanted to speak about why that is. Moving from a centralized community to a federated instance of something requires a shift into a new mindset of how you approach online communities in general.
thumbnail for 'Leaving Birdland'